Ahhhh. Spring is in the air. Feels good doesn't it?
After what felt like possibly one of the longest winters ever, the slightly longer evenings certainly feel like a breath of fresh air!
The arrival of warmer weather also marks the start of the growing season. Here are some spring care tips for preparing your indoor plants for warmer weather.

Re-pot or pot up
As your indoor plants awake from winter dormancy, they begin to stretch out their roots, leaves and stems, preparing for new growth for the first time in months. Cramped roots can lead to root rot and other diseases, so now is the ideal time to give your plants some extra space to grow.
To start, assess your plant and decide if it needs to be repotted.
Some signs that your plant is ready for a new home include:
- A noticeable change in the soil level or quality
- Roots visibly growing out of the bottom or spilling over the edges of the existing pot
- The plant has become top-heavy or is visibly lacking in space to grow further
Many plants prefer to be kept slightly root bound, and very rarely should you pot up into a pot whose diameter is more than 1-2″ larger than the old pot.
Remember, Spring re-potting does not apply to all plants, including winter-flowering species and bulbs that become dormant during summer. These other plants are re-potted during fall. As always - check the care instructions for that specific plant. If your plant is distressed, lacking in water or seems to be wilting, we recommend holding off on re-potting, however, until its health has been restored.
Need some extra guidance? Check out our blog post on everything you need to know about repotting your indoor plants.

Spring clean time
Most indoor plants originate from very warm, very tropical (or dry) places, where seasons are felt differently than they are here, and growing conditions are more conducive to the plant’s natural rhythms.
Plants show this annoyance by yellowing, dropping leaves, browning, wilting… the list goes on. Spring presents the perfect opportunity to eliminate those sad leaves because your plants are about to enter a sustained period of active growth.
Cut away any leaves that have or are beginning to yellow or brown.
Aside from making your plants look better, spending some time to give your plants some TLC in the form of washing and dusting actually helps them thrive: dust that accumulates on leaves actually blocks light from reaching the leaves and inhibits photosynthesis and respiration.
To clean, support the underside of the leaf with your palm, and then wipe the surface with a damp paper towel or soft cloth. Make sure to clean both sides of the leaf.

Adjust the care routine
As your plants prepare for new growth, they will need an extra energy boost in the form of adequate water, sunlight and, in some cases, indoor plant fertiliser.
Depending on your home, you may have moved your houseplants around during the colder months. Perhaps you moved your tropical plants closer to the windows to get more sunlight? Or maybe you moved your ficus away from drafty doorways to protect its fragile leaves.
Either way, it’s time to consider each plant's needs and adjust its location & care routine accordingly.